- Duration: 00:21:10
- Views: 662
- Likes: 18
Kontusion @ Heavy Hell IV (Black Circle)
- DATE : August 12, 2023
- ARTIST : Kontusion
- VENUE : Black Circle
- CATEGORY : Concert
- GENRES : Metal
Performance by KONTUSION on August 12th, 2023 at Heavy Hell IV metal fest in Indianapolis, IN, put on by Stranger Attractions Presents at Black Circle.
A suffocating experience of distorted saturation, feedback, and cavernous vocals from death metal trio KONTUSION, who blasted through a set of blackened dirges at breakneck speeds.
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NOTE: Camera mic was clipping and board feed was overblown, so audio kinda sucks.
Audio mixed by Deathwave TV from camera mic and a direct feed from the board provided by Black Circle audio engineers Kamaron and Wes.