- Duration: 00:03:41
- Views: 40717516
- Likes: 622693
Lorn – “Anvil” Music Video
- POSTED : September 25, 2016
- CATEGORY : Spotlight
- TAGS : Cyberpunk, Geriko, Lorn, Music Video
I discovered the artist LORN through a chance encounter with Bandcamp’s Top Charts on their homepage, and was immediately compelled by the subsonic tones and somber aesthetic of his Maze to Nowhere three EP set. After countless listening sessions in environments of all types, I simply couldn’t get enough. Moving forward to December 2015, LORN quietly dropped a new album, titled Vessel, from seemingly out of nowhere. Vessel is just over half an hour and spans 10 tracks, picking up exactly where Maze to Nowhere left off, with foreboding atmospheres, synthesized melodies, reverb-coated beats, female vocals, and more.
Published September 14th, 2016, the official music video for “Anvil” was directed, designed, and animated by Antoine Caëcke & Hélène Jeudy, also known as the design team GERIKO. The character animation was done by Anthony Lejeune & Manddy Wyckens
From the video description:
The year 2100. In an effort to combat overpopulation, the postmortem social network “Anvil” is released and made mandatory to all…”Anvil” invites us on a journey through the eyes of a young woman in her final moments on earth.
In stark black and white animation, GERIKO have masterfully crafted a world that features angular architecture where smokestacks and neon advertisements abound, and the landscape is dense with population as floating vehicles travel at high speeds through what feels like a classic Japanese cyberpunk anime. The main female character’s “plugging-in” sequence is almost painful to watch, but the attention to detail in the environment and the subsequent animation sequences are so masterfully crafted that it’s hard to look away.
Directed by Antoine Caëcke & Hélène Jeudy (aka Geriko)
Design & Animation by Antoine Caëcke & Hélène Jeudy
Character Animation by Anthony Lejeune & Manddy Wyckens